Saturday, November 19

Sorry Everyone

I would just like to say sorry to everyone in the Pittsburgh Secret Pal exchange because I have the best secret pal ever! I know everyone thinks there pal is great, but mine is just awesome. Look at what she sent to me today:

Secret Pal Package

I love everything she sent to me. I got some knit picks Shadow yarn in Campfire, knit picks sock landscape in mesa, Ferrero Rocher chocolates (which have already been sampled), a mulled cider candle, Diamond Patch Socks pattern, Mary Jane sweater pattern from knit picks, a Debbie Macomber book; The Shop on Blossom Street, knit along with Debbie Macomber pattern book, and some totally awesome yellow buttons shaped like mice/rats! Is'nt she the best?

Hey secret pal thank you soooo much. My swift and ball winder will come in handy. Plus the yarn you sent was on my Christmas list. I just got some Shadow in Grape Jelly, and was really eyeing up the Campfire. To show that you knew just what to get me, I had just purchased the pattern to make the Mary Jane sweater. That is what the Grape Jelly yarn is for. I am not sure now which color I will make the pattern in. Maybe both? LOL! Actually I am now thinking that I will make it in Grape Jelly and add a yellow ribbon and the buttons you sent. It would be very interesting I think.

In other news, am patiently waiting for tonight. I am going to Heather's house for Go Knitter Go night. She is hosting this time and doing a Thanksgiving theme. I am taking some homemade Holiday Cranberry Applesauce. Here is a picture of it right after I started cooking it.

Delicious Homemade Applesauce

It is now chilling in the fridge. I will try and get a photo to post of the finished product. I made it for the first time last year, and it was delicious. Well gotta go admire my new yarn. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked the package! Did you notice a "theme"? This is the "Harvest" package (color-wise). The next one has a theme too....

~Your Secret Pal~

Cheryl:) said...

boy is that a nice gift!! And I love the yarn!! (gotta get me some)...
your photo of the pre-applesauce is so PRETTY it could be in a cookbook!!!!
Great seeing you last night!!!

Anonymous said...

Share the recipe! Share the recipe!!!

And yes you have a GREAT SECRET PAL.

-Cheryl's SP