Wednesday, March 8

Nothing Much

Nothing much going on here. Just life as usual. My son is doing ok so far this week. He is still splinted and on crutches. He was supposed to go to his regular Dr on Friday, but on Monday the ER called and told us that a radiologist had looked at Dustin's X-rays, and he thinks there is a fracture. So now Dustin is scheduled to see an ortho Dr tomorrow morning at 7:30. Why oh why so early? I will have two cranky children to take to the Dr when I am half asleep. Woo Hoo. I am hoping the ortho Dr can tell us exactly what is wrong with Dustin's ankle. So far two opinions are that a growth plate was fractured. Once we find out for sure, we can find out what treatment he is going to need.

As far as knitting goes, I have finished one of my daughter's socks. It comes up to just under her knee. She loves it. I am going to start the other in a few days. I am really trying to not have too many projects at once, so I am working on finishing up other projects. I have a second fingerless mitten to finish, and my GNG knit-a-long sweater. I spent yesterday evening working the sweater. Here is a pic of it:

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It is sitting in an ice cream box waiting for me to work on it today.

Here are a couple of other photos that I thought were funny:

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Pandora is saying "what the heck are you doing disturbing my beauty sleep?".

Ever wonder how Barbie keeps her fabulous shape? Apparently by exercising as seen in this picture I took a bit ago in my daughters room.

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Have a good day everyone!

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