Monday, April 24

What a Long Day

Uugghh! I had to get up at 5:45 this morning. I had a Dr appointment to go to. Thing is my Dr is an hour and a half away. I really like this Dr. that is why I drive so far. Anyway it so happened my husband had to go do some work real near where my Dr. is. Since gas is almost $3 a gallon, we decided to drive up together. That is why I had to get up so early. The good part was since I was so early, I got to go to Yvonne's house and knit with her! Thanks Yvonne. While I was there I took a pic of her kitty Milo. He is sooooo adorable. I just loved him. Yvonne has two other kitties, but I did not take their pics. Take a look at Milo. Is'nt he so cute?

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Since it has been a long day, I am tired and don't have much to say. I will leave you with another pic though. Yvonne was doing a meme on her blog. Here is my pic Yvonne.

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Emma said...

That is a cute cat. Kind of looks like my Oliver, except less fat. Hilarious fridge photo.

Yvonne said...

OMG Milo is the cutest! Heehee. He takes after his owner, obviously. LOL

Thanks for stopping by today!! It was great to see you and chat for a while this morning...too bad you had to go so soon!

Thanks for doing the AB Fridge-Along!!

Lucy said...

That looks like my fridge....must be a Pittsburgh thing!