Thursday, April 27

So Tired Out

What a week. In my last post I talked about Monday and what a long day it was. Tuesday I had housework to do around here. I ended up reaaranging the living room. We have a huge sectional, so it was major work. Plus I moved all the other furniture in there to clean under and behind stuff. Tuesday night was off the barber shop for the guys, out to dinner for us all, and then some shopping. Another long tiring day. Yesterday my son had a Dr. appointment. Plus while we were out, we were shopping for landscape supplies. We ended up buying five bags of mulch stuff, a plant (fushia woo hoo), and a plant hanger. My son helped me out when we got home, and we hung up the plant and mowed the lawn. Uugghh another tiring day. Needless to say my back is very sore this week. I have been doing some knitting though! I even have a finished object! It is a sun visor/ball cap I made for Maryland Sheep and Wool. I like it. I do not have a good picture yet because I just finished weaving the ends in this morning. I tried taking my picture with the hat on. No good. I like the hat, but it was knit with 100% cotton. A yarn called Sinfonia I bought on vacation in Georgia at Hobby Lobby. I love the yarn. The hat was not so bad to knit, but it finished with an applied I cord around the whole thing. Ouch! My hands, wrists, and arms were hurting after that. Now I am back to working on the baby sweater. The sweater is going to be a gift for my brother and wifes first baby being born this September. I found out it is going to be a boy! Yay. I am really excited and can not wait. I have made a pair of baby booties so far. Now I am working on the sweater, and I think there will be enough yarn for matching socks. I want to definately make a blanket, but I have not found the right yarn just yet. I am going to keep my eyes out at Maryland Sheep and Wool. Speaking of which is coming up next weekend. I am so excited. I will be going with Heather, Betsy, Cheryl, Blogless Leslie, Jill, and Jill's MIL. It is my first time and I am sure it will be a blast. Hopefully tomorrow I have some pics for y'all. It will be Friday's ZYX along. Tomorrows letter is "L". Can anyone guess what the picture will be? Ha ha. Oh yeah if you want, check out the sidebar. I added some blogs to my daily list. Trying to spruce this place up a bit. Have a great day.


Heather said...

Hmm... Llamas?
Okay, Lemurs?
Lindburger Cheese?
Lima Beans?
Ooooo I give up.
Oh, wait...
maybe a Lego?
No... that couldn't be it...
Oh I give up... I'll just have to wait.

This comment brought to you by the letter L !

Donna said...
