I finished the baby sweater for my future nephew. He will be here in September. Now all I need is to get some little buttons for the neck. I am using my daughters "baby" to model the sweater. I really like how it turned out. Not difficult. I also have enough yarn so I am going to make matching socks. I hope my brother and sister in law like it. This is the second item I have made for the baby. I am hoping to find the perfect yarn to make a baby blanket when I go to Maryland Sheep and Wool.
Now on the needles is just my moms scarf which I worked on some more today, and my Easter socks. I have one and a half of the socks done. I will work on them this week as well. After those two projects are complete, I will be casting on for Pamatomus and Convertable. At least that is the plan right now. LOL!
Thank you for the words of encouragement on my sock adventure. Thanks for the offer of help too. That would be cool to hook up some time. I'm about 5 minutes from the Mills Mall. Love the pics of Pittsburgh...what a beautiful city we live near. You'll have to tell me more about the magic circle(?). I'm posting pics of my progress tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed.
By the way...that sweater is beautiful..I'm jealous!
super super adorable!!!
How very cute!!!
That future nephew of yours is lucky to have you as his aunt!
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