We have started to let our pet rats out on the couch in the evenings. They love to explore. Now that they are more tame, we can let them out without too much fear they will run away. Last night, they were both very interested in what I was doing as you can see. Not really much of a problem, except they have very very sharp claws. I have scratch marks on me. It is really fun to watch them exploring and checking everything out. I am so happy we have our pet rats. They are so cute and a ton of fun.
Now for more animal pictures! Last weekend Betsy me and my kids went to visit Heather and her husband. They have really cool animals, and my kids had a great time. I gave the camera to my daughter and these are a few of the pics she took. Thank you Heather, my kids love coming to visit you and so do I!

There was kitties!

Of course the Llamas! And finally, Heather is raising silk worms to collect the silk. My kids thought they were great, but me eewww!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Have a great Momorial Day!
Those silk worms are so icky...
just makes me shudder.
It makes me laugh to see the rats climbing all over nebbing on stuff..
I don't know about the rats or the worms...but the cat is awfully cute!
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