A little bitty story about me my family my obsession with knitting my struggle with fibro and some other nonsense thrown in.
Monday, February 5
Movie stars and dancing rats!
What a title huh? Since this is a knitting blog, yes I have been knitting, just no pictures today. I do however have pictures of a movie star and dancing rats here at the house. The first picture is my daughter. I thought she was looking like a movie star: pretty blond hair, really skinny, huge sunglasses, and antisocial t-shirt. Hehe! The rest of the pics are of our pet rats getting rice crispie snacks. They look like they are trying to dance in a few of the pics. Take a look at how they have awesome balance to stand on the cage bars. Ok enjoy, I'll try and have some knitting pics soon.
That first one is some rockin' rat pic!
Ya know if you put little tutu's on the rats you might just have something there!
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