Woo Hoo! Living the exciting life around here. Yes you looked at the picture right. I iron in my bathroom. This is one of my favorite rooms in the house. Our master bath. It is huge! Okay here is some knitting pics:

The first pic is my messy knitting area. I swear I organize it every day. The second photo is more socks for me because the 14 pairs I have are just not enough. The last photo is heart parts that need finished and sewed together. I need to finish the heart and pair of socks hidden under the stuffing to send out next week. They are part of a gift package for my mom and dad. And last but not even close to least:

My prize for winning Lucy's blog contest. I love it. Not pictured is the tea she sent with it. I actually don't know where that went, and I may have to interrogate peoples that live here. The angel is made from a TAMPON! It has a very cute poem relating to aunt flow. That really cracked me up. I am not sure what I am going to use the peach yarn for, but the grey will go with some red I have to make me another winter hat to match my winter coat. She hit the proverbial nail on the head the with the book she sent. Woo Woo! Thank you soooooo very much Lucy! Ok have a good one yunz guys.
Oh yeah any of you Pittsburgh locals going to the knit and crochet fest? I am with my daughter and a couple friends. I''ll be the one telling my daughter "I love you, now get off me and shut up for two second will ya?"!
I will be there tomorrow!
I'm so glad you liked everything...I love Dominick Dunn's show on court TV....Power, Priviledge, and Justice! Enjoy!!!
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