Here is a couple of pics of finished things well almost finished.

I know they are not great pics. I tried to make them better but well. Anyway the top pic is my sons bedroom window with his redneck curtains. I made them from a flat sheet and a pillow case. I did not measure really. Just kind of held the sheet up and said mmmm I will cut here. They turned out really nice and do match his bedspread. The bottom pic is my daughters window. For now I just took a piece of eyelet fabric and sewed it into a valance. There will be lime green tulle for the sides and a ton of tulle hanging from her ceiling like a canopy kind of thing. I have to wait for help with the tulle because I almost got tangled in it yesterday. I think there is maybe 9 yards or so. It is freakin long.
Here is a pic of my purchases from knit wits the other day:

On the right are two skeins of cascade 220 and a novelty yarn from crystal palace. They will become a felted hedgehog from fibertrends for my son. The red in the middle is to add to some sock yarn leftovers here for a pair of socks. The pink is Lana Grossa. I never tried it, but wanted to in the future. The rainbow looking yarn is from Cascade as well. 100% acrylic. I just loved the colors. I am planning some baby sockies out of it. So much for the yarn diet!
Last night I had a nice time. I went and met the Hurricane Knitters at Barnes and Noble in Fox chapel. I seen 40 man! hahah! Worked on my rockin sock club sock. I hope to have them finished today. My new goal is to get my needles empty and not have so many projects.
Good great and awesome news from yesterday! Some sad news as well. If you read my blog you will know I have two pet rats. One of them had developed a mammary tumor. It is continueing to grow. Does not seem to hurt or bother her except for getting in her way. Tuesday night when I was playing with the rats and feeding them I noticed the other rat is developing a tumor as well. Of course I cried. Since they are siblings we believe it could be genetic for them. The rats average a life span of 2 years. Ours will be two near the end of summer. Sigh it is so hard to see my babies with the tumors. I will be way upset when they do pass on. But I will never regret having them and will do my best to see they have the best life they can with us. They will have no doubt they were loved and cared for very much by my family. Umm ok have to go wipe my eyes now. Have a good one everyone.
Isn't it amazing how you can get attached to what some people would say is "just a rat?" Poor lil' rats. :(
Nice yarn haul! I've never even SEEN Lana Grossa...very pretty!
I am sorry to hear about the rats both having the tumors. What a shame! It is so hard to lose our pets. I still am shocked that they only have a 2 year lifespan.
I love that sock yarn. No wonder you bought it. I love the colors you got for the hedgehog. It ought be really cute!
I forgot to tell you that the curtains look great!
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