I do have some pics today though. My husbands socks, a little baby sockie, some kool-aid dyed yarn, and some jitterbug that will be socks for me.

The husband socks are from Sensational Knitted Socks. I forget what pattern. Austerman Step yarn. This is very nice to work with.
The baby sockie is just a quick knit for distraction to feel like I am getting something done. The yarn is Cascade Yarns Kaleidoscope DK. Acrylic and nice to work with. The booties don't have a home. I think they will go in the "hope someday way in the future I get a granddaughter stash".
I seriously have no brains sometimes. The kool-aid yarn turned out awesome, but you can't see that because I did not take a before pic. Aarrgghh! The yarn is some Opal I bought online. When I got it, I was like eeewwww this is ugly. It was an off white with black, bright blue, and rust. Iicckky. I tried a new method for dyeing. I sort of followed some online instructions and sort of made it up as I went. I got out my crock pot. I added 1 cup of vinegar, 10 cups of water, and 10 pack of black cherry kool-aid. I stirred the ingredients well and then added the yarn. I did not pre soak the yarn. I just added it and turned the pot on low for half an hour. When I came back, the yarn had ate all the color from the water and I just rinsed it in cool water and hung to dry. This method I highly recommend for single color dyeing. Very easy and no mess.
The last pic is Collinette Jitterbug. I am making socks for me. I am going to make shimmer socks. Pretty pretty. The colors in the pics are a little bright. In real life they are a touch darker.
Exciting news: I received notice that my copy of More Sensational Knitted Socks is in. Woo Hoo! Now if I could get this headache gone, I could go get it. Plus I need to fabric shop because I am going to make some new summer clothes for me. I am sick of what I am seeing in the store not fitting, being really ugly, or costing way too much.
Ok kind of rambly. I am going to knit and try to get rid of this *&^_)(# ^%$&( #%*(% headache I have. Have a good day all.
Looks like your Kool Aid dyeing was a success! I can't wait to see how that yarn knits up.
I have a skein of Jitterbug that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I'm planning on making another pair of Monkey socks with it (my first pair were handwash merino and are fuzzing up a lot), but I haven't yet wound it. I'm excited to try it.
hey chica...totally off subject here...i want to learn how to sew...since you made me a bag, i assume you know how...would you want to give me a lesson in exchange for yarn? eh? wouldja? pulease? let me know!
btw, you are a sock maniac!
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