OK first off I am in search of a time stopper. I know it really don't exist. I just wish time would slow down or I had more to show for the time I have spent. I am really just feeling so far behind this summer. I don't think I am getting anything done. I know I am but well it just seems like time is moving a whole lot faster than me. Since this is a knitting blog, I have been working on and finishing knits! No pictures though:( . I finished my husbands socks with just a tee tiny bit of yarn left. They were knit out of Socks That Rock and yes he loves them. As soon as they came off the needles, he tried them on and wore them to bed that night! And you know it's gonna be a good day when in the cool morning air 4 out of 4 members of the family have on warm toasty hand knit wool socks! Speaking of cool mornings, I am loving this weather we are having in SW PA! Mid 70's during the day and low 50's at night. Very little humidity. This is absolutely my ideal weather. I love it. OK, back to knitting. I have finally quit procrastinating and finished my part of the round robin projects. So absolutely cute. In fact I am so enamored of the Mr. Dangly toy that I am making one as a gift for my nephew. In two weeks we will be in GA! We are staying with my parents and will be visiting my brother, sis-n-law, and my nephew who I have not seen in person yet. Oh yeah I am excited. So finally in knitting news I am working on a Mr. Dangly (pictures to follow in the next few days) and some embossed leaves socks for my daughter. I also have a couple of dishcloths as my take along knitting. Uh-oh now I have to start thinking about what knitting to pack for the trip to the family! We are driving. 13 hours. Makes me weary just typing that. So anyway I do have some pics to show you. Just some stuff that I have been working on and such.
The ratties! Nala is not adjusting as quick as we would like. She is not fond of our rats at all. She has scrapped with our bigger rat Ophelia. Nala is in a cage on top of Pandora and Ophelia's cage. I think I am going to have to move her away from them for a bit. Nala is still very hesitant about being petted. Plus she really really likes to chew plastic. She has chewed the litter pan and tried to chew her food bowl. My husband has a cute pic of her on his phone. She likes to bury herself in the bedding in her fish bowl. Very cute. The next pic is of our little "sickie" rat Pandora. She is doing so so much better. She really likes the medicine she has to take so that is good. She is also eating hard food again. She just needs to grow the fur back on her side and gain some more weight. Our other rat Ophelia is doing good. She is absolutely back to her pre-surgery self. She is a big fatty ratty! Plus she tries to intimidate Nala by puffing up her fur and that is really funny.
The morning glory's are trying to take over the back porch. I am planning another pic in about a week because I swear they grow 3-4 inches a day! I have run cotton yarn all up and down from the lattice to the fence behind the morning glory's. I am "training" them to grow up and all over the lattice. I so love my morning glory's. I brought seeds from the plants we had at our old house and planted them last year. Then I collected those seeds and plus they just come back each year. Next year I plan to landscape around the front porch and plant morning glory's there.
My itty bitty garden. It is growing very well as you can see. Plus a pic of a guest in the garden. We saw him out there last night. Well that is all I have for now. I must go knit! Oh yeah and look for the time thingie to slow it down for a little while.
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