Wednesday, August 8

Wow Wow Wow!

Yay today is a good day! I got a job! I am going to work for an answering service. Evenings, weekends, and Holidays, but that is ok. It's a start. I have not had a job since November of 2003 when I was fired on my birthday for being sick! Long story. Anyhoo I will be able to wear whatever to work, and can do other things (knit) while I am not busy answering calls.

Other good stuff! I recieved my sockapalooza socks. Kelly sent me an awesome package.

Donna craft personal photos 007

The socks are STR Purple Rain done in the Crosshatch lace pattern from MSKS. I love them! My favorite color is purple and they fit and look awesome. She also sent a go knit bag, a yummy smelling candle, sticky notes, a counting bracelet, and some absolutely beautiful yarn from the knittery! Holy sock spoiler Batman! Big thank you to Kelly for the awesome package!

Finally another pic of my socks from yesterday. This is a better pic.

Donna craft personal photos 006


Anonymous said...

So glad you liked your package!

Love those socks you made. Very cool colors!

Anonymous said...

Georgeous socks!! When do you start your new job???!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you!! I love the package. I'm sure you'll love working at the answering'll be great!! :)

Tell Sami we're still waiting for her visit! :)

Heather said...

Congrats on the job!

I'm rather interested in finding out more about that shrinky dink maker I see in the last post???