Okay, moving on it is Friday and that means ZYX along. Today's letter is O. O is for ______________. Yeah fill in the blank. I just could not think of an O word I wanted to use. Some were stupid. Some were not appropriate, and some just bizarre. So alas no word for Friday. But to distract you from this, I have photos of finished knitting! Check them out:

This is my felted bowl or "ratty pi". Duh I forgot to take a pic before felting, and also forgot to add something to this photo to show the size. Been a duh day for me. Anywho the bowl is on the kitchen island drying. maybe by tonight or tomorrow I can put it in the rat cage to see how the furbabies like it. As you can see in the pic there is some cream yarn sticking out. This is going to come out and be holes so that the bed can be tied to the cage. Our rats will take anything in the cage not tied down and try to stuff it in their house. Haha it can be quite funny to see them put all their stuff in the openings of their house. They have had bedding, fabric scraps, food, and even a Dairy Queen spoon in there. Why a spoon you ask? Well every time I have a blizzard, when I am finished with it, I take the spoon and coat it in the very last of the ice cream and give it to the rats. They love to lick the ice cream off the spoon. Last time I did that, I forgot to take the spoon out of the cage. What silly rats we have. Okay next picture:

Here is a pic of my lastest socks I finished. They are made with trekking (no idea what color). I used a pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks for the cuffs, and the rest is plain stockinette. Pretty easy and quick. I wanted to have them finished for tomorrow nights knit together. I may be adding another pair of socks to my list. I have a friend who would like me to knit socks for her. She said she would buy me yarn. Hmmmm looks like socks it is for the next few weeks. LOL. Have a good Friday.
O is for Ophelia.....
Beautiful socks!!! As always! Yep... squitchinglady is also an awesome sockinglady!
And did I mention how great that bowl (ratty pi) is???
I was thinking the same as Cheryl!!
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