Friday, May 19

Actual Knitting Content!

It is Friday! That means ZYX along. Today's letter: "I". I is for inside which is where I intend to stay for the rest of the day. Blah it is still rainy and gray and yucko outside.

I have actual knitting to show today! Here is my moms scarf I finished:

This and That 001

This picture lies. I still have to weave in the ends to make it complete. I just hid them for the pic. Here are the specs: Knit Picks yarn Shimmer two strands held together, size 6 needles, cats paw pattern. I love this scarf. So soft and pretty.

Here is another gift for my mom:

This and That 002

Heehee it is hidden for now. I don't want my mom to see it before the package arrives. Don't worry I will post a pic after she gets her gifts.

Finally, my work area currently:
This and That 003

A rose in a wine bottle for ambience, some chocolate, and pretty yarn to work with. The project of the moment is the baby socks to match the baby sweater. I am going to buy buttons tomorrow so I can finish this project and move on to another.

Want to add a shout out to Betsy for asking me and Cheryl to go with her today. Had an awesome time!


Cheryl:) said...

We had a good time didn't we??!!

Anonymous said...

I love that scarf. It's beautiful!

Lucy said... your corner there....all the comforts of home!!