In the back is the scarf I am making for my moms birthday. Her birthday is on the 31st. I will have this finished. No problem. I have to make another gift for her that shall remain nameless in case she reads this. Plus I have one more item for her that just needs packaged. The pink sock on the left is for my ungrateful brat of a daughter. She swears and promises if I make the mate to this sock she will wear them. Basically if she does not, I will staple them to her I swear and promise. The socks on the right are what I call my Easter socks. I hope to have them finished in the next day or two. I am going to cast on socks for my husband today as well. Maybe.
I spent lots of the day yesterday knitting. I moved my swing out back of the house in the shade. I could hear the washer and dryer from there, so I could knit and do housework. This is what my happy knitting place looks like today:

Yucky and rainy. Blah. It's ok though. I got to go to lunch with Betsy today. We went to Cracker Barrel. My first ever time. Yummy I loved it. Plus we got to sit outside under the porch on rocking chairs and knit after eating. I had a great time.
Finally, you know that wonderful feeling you get when you have knit something for someone and you see them wearing or using it all the time. That's how I feel today. Take a look.

It was dirty and had to be taken out to get washed. Since we have put it back, they use it all the time. I love my pet rats!
look how cute she looks in that ratty pi!
pretty socks! you're a knitting machine!
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