Just been tired, busy, lazy, and sick. The past few days have been very horribly painful. I don't know why, but my back and legs were just aching sooo much. I was very tired and achy this morning and had a fever. I slept for five hours and woke up feeling better. So hopefully whatever it was is gone. I have been knitting. I have a whole long list of stuff I am making and want to make. Today I mostly knit on the socks I am making for my mom. I am using a pretty blue/green/sparkle sock yarn and using the After Bertha pattern. I got that pattern out of one of my new knitting books. Last week I bought both Socks socks socks and Favorite Socks. I love sock pattern books. I have three books on hold waiting for their release date. This yarn diet thing is going well except I keep wanting to buy books. Here are some random pics I took last night and today:

My sock yarn stash all layed out while I was looking for a specific yarn. No that is not all the sock yarn I own. That is why I am on the yarn diet. Here is a picture of the rest of the yarn that lives in the bin with my sock yarn. Mostly wool for felting and a bunch of Knit Picks Pallette.

Finally a couple pics of the fur babies. This is how they look at night when I close their cage door and leave to go to bed.

They get all sad and stare out between the bars. Last night they were particuarly mopey and giving sad rat eyes at me.
OK that's all I've got.
So jealous of the sock yarn stash. the rats, not so much. Yikes! They are kind of cute though, as long as they stay in cages!
You've got a nice stash there!!!!!
Yes, I'm quite jealous of your sock stash too!
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