1) What was the first thing you ever knit? Tell us about it -- what was it made of? Did you use it? How did you start? My first project was a dishcloth knit out of cotton. Yes I used it because they are the greatest dishcloths. I used to be a telephone operator, and when we were slow we could work on crafts and such. Another operator taught me how to make the dishcloth.
2) If someone gave you a lot of money to go on yarn shopping spree,what would you treat yourself to and what would you use it for? Hmm I think I would buy a bunch or naked yarn and dyes and dye yarn for all my friends. Sock yarn to be specific.
3) What knitting project is your "someday" project? (By this I mean what project would you love to do one day that would really challenge you and make you feel truly accomplished as a knitter?) I have a circular lace shawl I would love to do. I have the yarn and the needles. I just don't have the confidence to start it yet. I think when I finally finish it, I will hang it on the wall and show everyone that comes over!
4) What is one of your life's ambitions (in addition to completing the knitting project mentioned in #2)? Really right now to raise my children through their teen years. Teach them the necessary life skills, manors, and self responsibility that I think many people are lacking. Help them discover what they want to do in life and encourage and help them all I can. Also to always be thankful for all I have, especially my wonderful amazing husband.
5) Which person or people, living or dead, do you most admire, and why? Hmm I thought about this and I have to say I really admire our military men women, and their families. These soldiers are working so hard to protect our freedom. They have sacrificed so much and the thing that really amazes me is they volunteered for this. I really want to say thank you, but that is not really enough. Also the families of deployed soldiers I admire for their support and sacrifices. It is not easy I know. Big thank you to my brother in law who is a SGT serving overseas right now, and a big hug to my sis in law and nieces and nephew who are here at home. Also thank you to my husband SGT 1st Class serving here at home. I love you!
Here is a pic of my husband and his brother from a couple weeks ago while my brother in law was home on leave. My husband is the one holding the camera.

OK couple more pics of what is going on here. The first is my current socks. The second is the really cool Lego dragon's lair my husband made the other day. Enjoy!

What good questions and what good answers those were...great job, girls...I enjoyed reading it all...
I know we just talked about this the other day, but the picture with them sitting together is just amazing with how much Don and his brother look alike...WOW!!!!
Yeah Bets, but Don is cuter, dontcha think?
you can send me some questions Donna!
what on earth is that purple colorway???! I love it!!
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