The next picture is my socks from the Rockin Sock Club. I recieve my kit Thursday. I am also knitting them two at a time magic loop. The toe was done on size 1's and now the sole is on 0's. I will do the heel on 1's and the cuff I am not sure yet. This is also with out splitting the ball. So far they look quite similar in their patterning though one would think they would be oposite as well.

This last picture is some buttons I bought last Friday at Jo Ann's. I had intended to go in buy the mouse buttons I needed and leave. Ha right next to the mouse buttons was a display for these buttons at half price. So I bought these for use in some knitting projects. They are being displayed by my new sheep that Betsy brought me Saturday when she came over to knit. She also brought the kids these really cool eggs that you put in water. After a day or so they "hatch" and there is a duck inside! I would have taken a pic, but my camera is acting up.

This past week/weekend was the days of packages! On thursday I recieved my Socks that Rock club kit. Friday I recieved my swivel sweepers I ordered. Finally on Saturday I recieved my order from knit picks. I had ordered Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road and some more sleeves and needles for my options kit. Now I have all the needles I need....I think! Well I better get off of here and go do some work around this house. Laundry and grocery lists and shopping.
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