Wednesday, September 19

Back in Black

No not really but it sounds good. Been a while since posting I know. But I have been busy, working, and sick. My parents are in town this week staying with us. I love when my parents come to visit. We usually only seem them 2 weeks each year. 1 week we visit them and the other week they visit us. My mom can be silly like me so we have a great time. My dad always looks so lost and bored. He got a job two weeks out of high school and has worked ever since. He never misses work so when he is off, it is like he does not know what to do. So far we have gone shopping at the fabric/craft store, sang kareoke at the house here, watched some tv/movies together, and Friday we are going to the casino to gamble! Woo hoo!

Other than that I have been busy cleaning at the house and working. I had some issues with work a couple of weeks ago and almost quit, but after talking to the boss I am staying. I just basically told him I could not handle some of the stress that was coming at me. So now I am just going to work 3-4 days a week evening hours. Part of it is just from feeling sick and cruddy. Last week I hurt my back again (sigh) and was having a bunch of pain issues. After much speaking with the DR and run around at the pharmacy I have changed meds again. Now I am using a Duragesic patch. I put the first one on last night, and so now I am going to see how that works. So now I will need to schedule a couple of DR appointments to get everything set. Whew what a lot of blabbering huh? Well ok now I am getting to the knitting part and with pictures.

First up I got a new book:
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I love it. I have only read about half because I want to make it last. Next is some finished socks:
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These are my own pattern, yarn is STR medium weight in "Fire on the Mountain", size 3 knit picks circs, magic loop two at a time. Next up my current socks in progress:
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I wanted some new black and gold socks for game day. Plus I wanted to do something interesting. The yarn is Dale of Norway. They are looking good, but are kind of a pain I think. I am not sure I like this stranded thing, but they will be awesome. Plus I am going to put in an afterthought heel so it gives a bullseye effect. Another project on the needles:
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This is a baby sweater. I thought it looked cute on the yarn label so that is why I am making it. It is some acrylic yarn from JoAnns. Not sure what. Next up a very cool thing made for me by my husband:
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Yep a homemade yarn meter. Seen in a catalog for $52, price for mine? Under $15 for the supplies!!!!!! Yes I am really excited about it. Now I just have to do some sanding and maybe varnish it, and it will be ready to use. Finally, a beautiful finished object:
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My Adamas Shawl!!! I love it. It is so pretty. There are a couple of small mistakes, but I am satisfied overall. Now I am jonesing to start another shawl. Maybe if I get some of these other projects done. Besides knitting I have finished sewing a dress and have fabric to make some shirts for me. Ok well gonna go now. Hopefully next time I check in I will have some more finished objects.


Sarah said...

Yay, finished Adamas! It looks great.

Love your pirate pants, too.

Anonymous said...

oh mi god look at you and all the stuff!! I love your bunny pirate pants!!!!! I am glad to hear Don is making himself useful while he is home! LOL! Hi to the folks!

Anonymous said...

She's the Queen of the Finished Objects
and she rules the wooly kingdom
her scepter is an Addi
and the cushy seat is her throne.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist. And 10 points to anybody who knows the real song! LOL)

Everything looks wonderful! So cool about the homemade yarn meter! People will be requesting them all the time now. :)

sheep#100 said...

Hey Squitch, do you have any of that Neptunite STR leftover? Or would you just be willing to swap me for a different colorway? I'm going to be short on the shawl I am knitting and I am trying to swap with someone for a hank of lightweight Neptunite. LMK, please?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've been busy! I hope your feeling better soon.

The finshed socks are great and I love how your socks in progress are working up. The shawl is just beautiful!

Jen said...

Gorgeous shawl!