Thursday, January 24

Bursting at the Seams

Aacckk that is what I feel like. I did not have work tonight, so I had dinner with the kids. I made spaghetti, and I swear I ate so much I feel like I am going to burst. I should know better, but I love spaghetti sooooo much. Ok so anyway long time no post again. I am just too tired to post most of the time. I never feel rested enough. So with that thought a pic of a new book I bought the other day.

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They say it is good to be informed. I have only just started this book, so I am not sure how much info it will really have that I don't know already. I guess I am just looking to maybe find that magic cure that will make it all go away and give me my life back. Ok blah blah and boo hoo here is another book I got to lighten the mood.

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I loved this book. Cracks me up. I also got this book to help continue my passion for knitting socks.

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I can't wait to try some of these new techniques. Very interesting. Speaking of socks, I have completed another pair.

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These socks are for my husband. He loves them. He wore them almost as soon as I finished them. They are the conwy pattern from Nany Bush. I followed the pattern exact except I went up a needle size. Per my usual they were done magic loop two at a time. The yarn is Lorna's Laces color mineshaft. I have another pair of socks on the needle right now as well.

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I know they are hard to see. They are the no purl monkey pattern done with Jitterbug yarn. I love love love the color. Also on the stand is Knit Picks Essential in ????. They are going to be Hedera for my mom. And in the background, yes that is some Noro sock yarn and wonderful gift from Cheryl. I can't wait to try it out. Finally a pic that says I may be a bit obsessed with knitting socks.

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Those are all hand knit socks in the laundry room waiting to be washed. The white bag is so full of socks that is why the others are on the floor! Well guess I better get to washing. See ya all soon.


Heather said...

SOOOOO jealous of the awesome pile of socks!!!

You are lucky that my feet are sooooo much bigger then yours or else I'd be over there distracting you and picking out a few pair! LOL

Jenn said...

Every time I hear "fibromyalgia," I think of you and now when I hear it, I'll envision you walking on the beach in a flowy dress, like the picture on the cover! :D

Sarah said...

I also pile up socks and wait until I have a bunch to wash -- and then I lay them out to dry and the whole room smells like a wet sheep. My husband really likes that. ;-)

If that's the same KP yarn I've used, I think the color is Gulfstream. So cheerful!

Yvonne said...

Hey, about time you posted!! I miss you. I love the sock pile...I wish I could knit as fast as you do!